The Bible says that "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." We are not here to build an empire but to come together as the body of Christ and strengthen each other in faith, support and biblical knowledge. Stay connected and show support for one another by attending or getting involved in one of our groups or follow us on our social media platforms.
Get involved with our Men's & Women's Groups which are designed to protect, encourage, and develop men & women of all ages. These groups meet together usually the first Monday of the month. If you would like more information speak with our group leaders, Jared Adams and Carol Clendenen.
Our Youth group is for ages 12-19 and meet typically on Wednesday Nights at 7pm. This is a time for them to bond with each other in a good environment while hearing the gospel teaching. This past year during COVID 19 has been a trying time and we are currently in the middle of re-configuring some of our classes so stay tuned.
Our Discipleship Class is held every Wednesday at 7pm at the Betty Ross Annex and the sanctuary. This a time of learning and interaction where we take a deeper dive into scripture as a way we can continue to build our faith through biblical truth and teaching. Join us on Wednesday nights or check out the lesson on our Discipleship Class page.