Tithes & Offering

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God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Proverbs 3:9 tells us "Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase". At Calvary Temple we worship Christ through our giving and greatly appreciate all who not only give back to the Lord but believe in supporting our ministry in order to spread the Gospel.


All donations are processed through EasyTithe Giving software through an ACH or Debit/Credit transaction along with any standard processing fees. Please give up to 2-3 days for payments to process via ACH. We do not hold or possess any personal identification or payment information. Please check your email for payment confirmation and keep track of all payment information for tax purposes.

Why Tithe?

The Bible tells us that tithing is a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. But the tithe wasn’t put in place for God’s benefit—He already owns everything. He doesn’t need our money. Instead, tithing is meant for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income helps us look outside our selfishness and makes us more aware of the needs of others. In fact, one of the main purposes of tithing is to support the needs of pastors and the work of the local church. Tithes help pay the pastor’s salary, keep the church’s lights on, and meet the needs help those in our church body and community. Tithing is an act of faith that helps us keep our priorities straight. It reminds us that we don’t own anything in this life. God is in control, and we’re only managers of what He’s given us. We don’t give to get, but God often blesses us with more if we’re good managers of what we already have. Tithing recognizes that God is our provider and that we will prosper with more than just money if we rely on Him. We also believe that your tithe belongs to your church. If you are not a member of CTC please tithe to your church and if you choose to give beyond that by supporting our ministry as well we would be greatly honored and appreciative.

Do I have to tithe?

People who tithe are usually those who believe in the Bible. And tithing 10% specifically is biblical, but that doesn’t make you a Christian to tithe. God loves us when we give and when we don’t give. Tithing isn’t a way to earn God’s love—because we already have it. In fact, in Matthew 23:23, Jesus warns against focusing too much on the rules of tithing without paying attention to the more important things like justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should be giving in some way. But when it comes to tithing, it’s more of a spiritual discussion than a financial discussion. Because tithing isn’t about the money—it’s about the heart. It's living with the attitude that we’re blessed to be a blessing.2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Tithing means you’re being obedient to God, so you should give without expecting anything in return. Giving encourages a grateful and generous spirit and can help steer us away from being greedy or loving money too much. Plus, being outrageously generous is so much more fun!

What’s the Difference Between Tithes & Offerings?

Tithes & Offerings are often grouped together, but they’re definitely not the same thing. A tithe is a specific amount (10% of your income) that you give first, and an offering is anything extra that you give beyond that. After you’ve tithed and paid all your bills and necessary expenses for the month, you can then use any extra money in your budget to give even more! This can include giving a cash offering to your church above and beyond your normal tithe, giving money to a charity you support, giving to a friend in need, or giving your time and skills by volunteering.